Shipping Policy

When will my products ship?
Your order will be shipped within 1-3 business days after your order has been confirmed. You will be provided a tracking number once the product has been shipped, so you can have live updates on your package.

How long will my order take to arrive?
We aim for your orders to arrive within 5-10 days after it leaves our warehouse. International shipping times may vary, depending on the country, however most international orders arrive in around 8 days.

Can i cancel/change my order?
If you need to cancel or change your order, please contact us within 6 hours of placing your order. If your package has been shipped, we will no longer be able to cancel or change the order.

What if i put the wrong address?
We understand that mistakes can happen. Please contact us within 6 hours of placing your order, so we can change the address to the correct one.

What if my order is damaged?
Our packages are very carefully packaged to ensure there is no damage when it arrives to the customer. But if your item is damaged, we will replace the product at no extra charge. Send us a picture and details of the damage, and we will handle the rest.

Need further assistance?
Feel free to contact us with any inquires you may have, and we will get back to you within 24 hours.